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2023/10/18 13:58:31 0人评论 560343 次


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“目前社融增速在一定程度上表明经济企稳回暖,三季度经济表现可能超预期。” 盛松成指出,“9月末,社融存量同比增速继续保持在9%。由于今年GDP增速预期目标为5%左右,物价较低,三季度社融平均增速9%已经不低。”中国官方多次指出要”保持社融增速同名义GDP增速基本匹配"。



作为中国独创的金融指标,社会融资规模内涵非常丰富,不仅包括信贷,还包括表外融资、直接融资等。 市场近期对社融讨论较多,主要是关于在货币政策持续宽松,流动性合理充裕,信贷保持高位的背景下,社融增速却表现一般。 





MNI INTERVIEW: China GDP To Beat Expectations- Ex PBOC's Sheng

 Aggregate financing to the real economy data indicates Chinese growth touched bottom in August, according to a former high-ranking official.Chinas third quarter gross domestic product growth is likely to beat expectations after central bank data on aggregate financing to the real economy (AFRE) signaled that the economy's expansion hit bottom in August, a former high-ranking Peoples Bank of China official told MNI.

Investors expect Wednesday’s release to show that GDP growth printed at 4.5% year-on-year in Q3, down from Q2’s 6.3%, but Sheng Songcheng, former head of the PBOC’s statistics department, noted that AFRE rose by 9%y/y in August, up 0.1 percentage point from July and ending five consecutive months of slowdown since April.

“Outstanding AFRE grew by 9% y/y as of the end of September, which is not low considering the GDP target is around 5% and inflation remains tepid,” Sheng said, referring to the official target of “maintaining AFRE growth in line with the expansion rate of nominal GDP.”

However, Sheng, now a professor at the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai, said the PBOC should retain its easing bias as recovering consumption and rising investment would take time to feed into an economic rebound. There is still space for cuts in interest rates and reserve requirement ratios, he said.

“RRR reduction would be a better option since it can add liquidity for commercial banks and support government bond issuance,” he said, noting the significant role of government borrowing in growth in AFRE.


An indicator unique to China, the 13-year-old AFRE gauges bank loans as well as off-balance-sheet funding and equity financing. Local investors have noted the measure’s relative weakness in recent months, despite PBOC easing, but Sheng said that fiscal and financial market activities affect the AFRE too.

Medium- and long-term loans to households added CNY201.4 billion to September’s AFRE versus the same period last year, indicating recent moves to relax controls on house buying have worked, Sheng said. Adjustments to housing policy will also boost developers, increasing their bank loans and bond sales, he said.

“The property-related items in AFRE indicate the housing market is stabilising,” Sheng said.

As to China’s rising debt/GDP ratio, which jumped to 290% in Q2 according to the PBOC, Sheng said this move higher would be temporary and the ratio will steady with economic recovery. Authorities will continue to drive for economic expansion, increases in employment and to improve household income to bolster consumption, he said.

